Feb 242017

Allview broken touchscreenFew days one friend just broke his phone touch screen, and the half bottom of the screen  didn’t respond anymore. So, no chance to interact anymore with it.

He wanted to transfer all the files from the phone to the PC, but when the USB data cable is inserted the phone is asking what to do with USB connection:

  • Charge only
  • View photos
  • File copy

He wanted the last option “Files copy” to access the internal storage, but the phone does not respond and starts with default option “Charge Only”. Looks like there is no chance to copy any file.

Fortunately on my PC I have Android Studio installed, and it comes with the “adb” tool (Android Debug Bridge).  It lets you to communicate with the Android devices connected on the PC. Here is what I’ve done to copy the content of entire internal storage to PC.

With bold are the command that I’ve run , and in blue bold are the comments/hints.
First step is to identify the path of the phone storage,
it is different from vendor to vendor and one Android version to other.
C:\Users\mark>adb shell ls -l /
-rw-r--r-- root root 663 1970-01-01 02:00 seapp_contexts
-rw-r--r-- root root 231669 1970-01-01 02:00 sepolicy
drwxrwx--- radio system 1970-01-01 02:00 spdata
drwxr-x--x root sdcard_r 2017-02-24 18:36 storage
dr-xr-xr-x root root 2017-02-24 18:36 sys
drwxr-xr-x root root 1970-01-01 02:00 system
-rw-r--r-- root root 6729 1970-01-01 02:00 ueventd.rc
lrwxrwxrwx root root 2017-02-24 18:36 vendor -> /system/vendor

C:\Users\mark>adb shell ls -l /storage
drwxrwx--x root sdcard_r 1970-01-01 02:00 sdcard0
drwx------ root root 2017-02-24 18:36 sdcard1

C:\Users\mark>adb shell df /storage/*
Filesystem Size Used Free Blksize
/storage/sdcard0 7.2G 4.5G 2.7G 4096
/storage/sdcard1 0.0K 0.0K 0.0K 4096
Based on whet we see above, looks like the storage path is /storage/sdcard0 .
Let's copy it using "adb pull" command.
First the command will build the list of files to be transferred,

then will start transfer and will notify us about the progress status.

C:\Users\mark>adb pull /storage/sdcard0 D:\tmp\bkp_from_allview_internal
[ 24%] /storage/sdcard0/DCIM/Camera/IMG_20141227_141226.jpg: 16%
/storage/sdcard0/: 1218 files pulled. 0 files skipped. 3.2 MB/s (4717973504 bytes in 1406.642s)

That’s all folk!

 Posted by at 10:07 PM

  One Response to “Transfer Files from Android Device with “adb” Command”

  1. Make a test

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