Mar 062021

On linux to concatenate multiple PDF files you can use command pdfunite.

E.g. to concatenate three files as all.pdf

pfdunite file1.pdf file2.pdf file3.pdf all.pdf

If command not available, on Debian distribution or derivates (e.g. Ubuntu), you can install it using command:

apt-get install poppler-utils

 Posted by at 4:49 PM
Apr 262020
  1. Install Android SDK platform-tools on a PC. After installing, be sure that you have access to fastboot (or fastboot.exe) command.
  2. Connect your Android device to the PC via an USB cable.
  3. Turn the android device OFF.
  4. Boot the android device in fat mode: press and hold Volume Down, then press and hold Power for few seconds. This keys combination works for most of the Android devices, if it doesn’t work on your devices, search on the internet.
  5. With the device in this state on PC run command fastboot oem off-mode-charge 0 . It should work on most devices.

 Posted by at 8:46 AM
Jan 162019

telenet is an useful tool to test the network connection.

E.g. if you want to test is a web server is still online you will want to try something like this

telnet 80

If you are on Windows 10, by default the telnet command is not available, it has to be installed/enabled, you will get a message like

‘telnet’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Here are the steps to enable it

  1. Search for Command Prompt and run it as administrator , like in picture below
  2. In command prompt run next command

dism /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:TelnetClient

Now the telnet command should work.

 Posted by at 10:44 PM
Aug 062015

Lara, Antalya, Turkey

shot taken on July 2015 in Lara-Kundu, Antalya, Turkey

 Posted by at 8:25 PM